Welcome to Mrs Lockhart’s page…
I hope you all doing well. You were mailed a packet with your child’s report card and many skills and activities to practice.
Please study all the sight words until they are very easy for your child to read. Practice letter and sound recognition. They need to be able to name all the letters (capital and lowercase) and make the sound for the letter. Give them easy 3 letter words to practice writing and then have them give a word that rhymes with it. Give them an easy topic and have them write two sentences about it.
We have worked on addition for a long time. Your child is able to look at pictures, make a number bond and an addition sentence. To practice this, give them a number story (ex. John has 5 apples and Bobby gave him 4 more. How many does he have now?). Make them draw pictures, make a number bond and then an addition sentence. Also, keep working on math facts to 5 for speed. They should not have to use pictures for this.
Subtraction and numbers to 20 will be our next skills to cover. Please begin working on these. They will need to be able to count pictures up to 20 and write the number.
In the mailed packet there are many web sites listed to practice other skills. There is also a link to online resources on the district web site. www.beau.k12.la.us
Parents who want to access Waterford (our kdg computer curriculum) from home will need to email mhieronymus@beau.k12.la.
I pray that you stay well and that you enjoy the time with your child.