April 22
What a beautiful day to celebrate Earth Day!!
We have so much to be thankful for!! :)
Click on the link for a great video...
Have a fabulous day!!
April 20
Hey there parents,
The students were doing AMAZING with their multiplication facts and building their “muscles”
Now would be a great time for students to continue memorize their math facts. It would really boost their learning next year.
Recalling the basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts quickly is critical because it allows a student to study more advanced math topics without being bogged down by trying to figure out the facts as well.
1). Flash all of the math facts up to 9x9
2). Make 2 piles. One pile has the facts that your child knows within 3-5 seconds. These are the mastered facts. The other pile has facts that your child did not know or had to count, took too long, etc. These are the study facts.
3). Pick 3-5 of the study facts and find fun ways to practice those or go “old school” and make them write them. There are tons of resources online.
4). Once your child masters those facts (answering them within 3-5 seconds) add them to the mastered pile and pick 3-5 more study facts.
5). Continue flashing the mastered math facts daily as well.
6). You can track progress if that helps motivate your child.
7). Most students know 10’s and 11’s. Once they mastered up to 9x9, you could have them study up to 12x12.
April 2
A rectangular garden in Mrs. Hantz’s yard has a perimeter of 122 yards. The width is 21 yards. What is the length, in yards?
Use the RDW when solving. 😊
Challenge: Mrs. Hantz has her students come build a new rectangular garden with the same perimeter, but the side lengths are different. Draw and label the new garden you built for her.
Take a pic and send me your work!!
Social Studies:
After you watch the video, you can take the quiz that follows it.
Key terms: Goods – things you can touch that people buy and sell (a hat), Services- things people do (doctor), Producers – sell natural or manmade goods, Consumers – people who buy the goods, Economic Activity – when people buy and sell goods and services.
Just for fun:
Why do snakes shed their skin?
March 25
Check out this cool video on the heart…
Math problem: Mrs. Hantz measures the sides of a square napkin with her ruler. Each side measures 6 inches. What is the perimeter of the napkin? Make sure to use RDW (Read, Draw, Write)
Extension: Measure a paper towel and find the perimeter of it.
Challenge: What is the area of the square napkin? What is the area of the paper towel?
See if your child remembers the formulas
If not, help them out a bit… P = l+w+l+w A = lxw
If you would like to take a pic and send it to me through DoJo, I will give you feedback!!